Support Questions

Contact Constable Christopher Lee at (570) 470-9714

History Corner: McCullough v. The Commonwealth, 1870

In McCullough v. The Commonwealth (1870), Justice Agnew lists some of the powers and duties of Constables; these powers remain in effect and have not been abrogated.

The office of constable is ancient, his duties important and powers large. His general duty is to keep the peace; and for this purpose he may arrest, imprison, break open doors, and the like․ A constable may justify an arrest for a reasonable cause of suspicion alone. He may arrest for a breach of the peace in his presence, and deposit the prisoner in jail, and the jailer is bound to receive him․ … he is bound to present to the term or last court all offenses inquirable in those courts. Those are all common-law powers[.]

McCullough v. The Commonwealth, 67 Pa. 30, 32 (1870) [State Reports Vol, LXVII]
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PA State Constable - First In Law Enforcement - Founded 1664