In the 1912 book on The Government of the State of Pennsylvania Including Local Government by C. L. Gruber, the author writes that Constables are the Chief Executive Officer of the Township; meaning the Constable is the enforcer of the laws within the Township.
In Boroughs, Gruber writes that the High Constable performs police duties and preserves order though the council may also appoint other policemen.

Gruber’s description regarding the Sheriff of the County is similar, the Sheriff being the Chief Executive Officer of the County. Constables have similar duties to the Sheriff.

Rioting appears to be one of the main concerns. In quelling riots the Constables can order citizens to assist but if the disturbance is too great, the Constable may call upon the Sheriff.
If with the support of the Sheriff and deputized citizens, the rioting continues, the Sheriff may ask the Governor to send the National Guard.
The State Police may also be called to assist in restoring order. Gruber writes that the State Police are tasked with preserving law and order and to co-operate with local officials.