Thanks from local business owner
Constable Christopher Lee has stood watch at a local business that’s been robbed, stalked and harassed. His alertness to any suspicious activity and having trespassers moved along has been appreciated.…
Thank you Constables
Thank you Constables for submitting your info to the directory. This will help our neighbors know how to contact us. To add your pic or send updates, please email directory@stateconstable.us.
Constable Vehicles
In law enforcement a major part of the officers responsibilities is presentation- having a clean and pressed uniform, neatly groomed, having clean and if need be shined boots, ability to…
Responding to the call
While in uniform, State Constable Timothy Kregiel entered an Acme supermarket in Philadelphia and immediately was called upon to serve. The store staff and management was attempting to remove an…
Congratulations Constable Lee – NCTC-DI
Congratulations to Constable Chris Lee for completing the NCTC – Drug Identification, 2 day course, sponsored by Rikers Island Prison. From the Training Course Page: Course Description: Drug Identification is…
PA State Association of Boroughs Highlights PA State Constables
“One of the Commonwealth’s most underutilized resources to this day is the State Constable. Through decades of misinformation and folk lore, the position of Constable has been greatly misunderstood and…